Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Independent

Guess the article will only be on line for today as it's been there a couple of days already and most Independent articles are only free for three days.

You just have to ask why things have ever got to this stage. It's not as if it's not been obvious for quite a while what's happening. But, still this is where we are. It's not good and added to the fact that the earth is now releasing extra carbon into the atmosphere because of higher temperatures it's not a pleasant situation.

Still there has to be an atmosphere where damage limitation is the goal, doesn't there. It's been apparent for quite a while too that damage limitation is the reality of the situation, global warming/climate change has been here for a long time now.

I just find it sad that recently scientists have been coming out to slam ecologists and people they see as environmentalists for no reason at all it appeared other than to put them down, a sort of ego exercise rather than anything else. I'm not going to make a blanket statement because I know there are good scientists out there but one reason I think that some scientists have been barking up the wrong tree is that because of the way they work they just concentrate on small areas of science at a time or in some cases, all the time. Ecologists and environmentalists while not specialising in the minutae of various specialities, though interested in and aware of them, tend to look at the planet as a whole for most of the time.

But damage limitation is all it is now. I have no idea what's going to happen though some of the effects of the ice meltdown are easy to predict, the rest I wouldn't even try. I knew that there were going to be surprises because predicting totally accurately what so many different changes were going to bring about to the whole of the ecosystem was just impossible. It could not be done, somethings would vary from what was predicted. But the fact that all this is going to bring great changes has to be accurate. But what they're going to be in total, who knows.

It would be nice to see people publically interested. There are still a few eco protesters on the continent, not many, but a few. I'd've thought that people would be interested, both in following and understanding what is going on, and publically making their knowledge and hopes for change known. Hoping that it's all being taken care of is rather a forelorn hope sadly because ecology is not popular. Too hippyish for the present culture, and hippy in this culture has not been seen, strangely enough given the situation, a good thing to be.

Still, there you go.