Sunday, December 27, 2009


Came across this site yesterday

Through this article

Guess I should start again and. I know my pain is rather more complex than this but it's worth trying. I do start meditating but it doesn't last for long.

Binaural beats

You can mix binaural beats with music

I guess at the computer you could have the binaural beats from the site above running at the same time as some music from another site. Guess that works through headphones too .. dunno .. never tried it!!!!

Anyway, think I better turn in as I'm a bit whoozy from a slight temperature I've had .. nothing like the ones I was getting for a while a couple of months ago as I have meds to help now when I need them .. and, hopefully, with some further treatment next year they might stop altogether.

Which reminds me I must phone the hospital ... though not right now!!!!!

Anyway, hope I've got that all right .. I'm a bit sleepy.