Thursday, December 29, 2005

The menopause and creativity

I was going to write about the article in The Independent yesterday that covered the menopause and creativity in an article about an author who had problems with and after the menopause. I came through the menopause easily, had a few months where my periods were all over the place and just a nuisance but that was all. There were no hot flushes or anything like that. Don't know if it's just my body or if it has something to do with being a vegan. They tend to recommend eating soya products to help. Well, I'd been living off soya and veggies and grains and other beans for years by the time it was put to the test for me. I have no personal knowledge of what a hot flush is. The one time I thought I might be having one it turned out that I was coming down with a cold, a rare thing at that time because I was eating well, and had a temperature. I used to get a bit pissed off because my periods were all over the place but I didn't get depressed or anything.

Some younger women say they can't wait for the menopause but it's not that easy. I was sad at the rite of passage I suppose. The end of a chapter of my life really. But the sadness went after a few months with no periods and then having one. Instant cure.

I suspect the difference between what I experienced and what the writer in the article experienced might be something to do with my lack of hot flushes. I didn't really have anything like that to make me feel bad. I just ended up with a feeling of annoyance when I thought my periods had gone for good and then had one. I was very happy when I was sure that it was all over for sure. I forgot about the sadness I'd felt and just went on with life.

Maybe it is something to do with diet. I know in some parts of the world hot flushes and the like are really almost unheard of. It's thought to be down to eating a natural diet. I read up on all this a long time ago and can't remember it now.

I'm getting worried now. Joke.

Waits for creativity to suddenly vanish. Maybe my creativity is different from that of the writer in the article. I don't have a mind full of characters, never have. More a mind that sees the bizarre in things. When I was recovering from my head injuries I used to pretend that I was an alien on the planet with a general knowledge of the planet and would convulse with laughter if I spotted something like a purple sheep in someone's window or something. It took a while to get the picture of life back again. But I had some hilarious moments while getting there.

I can build characters up in my mind but it's something that I just haven't done.

I don't think any of my creativity's been affected at all. I'm not conscious if it's changed or not really but it's certainly still there.

But I do know that it's different for different people.