Friday, January 20, 2006


More or less my introduction to on line chatting was to get a young guy over in Canada some help because he was smoking a lot of dope and seemed to be developing a psychosis. He was and is still on medication though things are a lot better.

I believe that some people who are affected this way develop a temporary illness whereas for others it appears to affect them for a long time if not for the rest of their lives.

The general opinion about whether cannabis will affect a person negatively in this way is that it only will if the person has a predisposition to a certain type of mental illness. Most of the talk is about schizophrenia. There is cannabis psychosis which is much more prevalent these days because of the change in street cannabis from the mild weed of the 1960s to including the very potent skunk that you can buy today.

I do know that it can make people paranoid. I smoked for a while back when I was young and even then people knew that this happened so it can cause problems. Yeah, I did have one bad experience and that just put me off.

I became a 1960s/70s meditating and lentilling hippy instead.

I read the reports when it was first thought that there could be problems which kind of clued me up when I met someone who appeared to be having them.