Thursday, January 19, 2006

The next week

Will be spent getting ready to move. I have a buyer for the flat as I mentioned before. I'll have slowed the sale down a bit because I've been ill again. But I guess this illness has done me a favour hasn't it. The foot's a lot better though not back to how it was. It wasn't just the foot to be honest, all my muscles were affected to some extent but getting over it now and have started doing some very gentle yoga to help things back to how they were.

Am a bit whoozy still. That comes and goes at the moment. I was very clear headed last night but wrote down some things I needed to remember which was just as well as I felt rather lethargic this morning and couldn't concentrate well.

So, what needs to be done?

Throw things out that have got to be thrown out.

Give anything I don't want to charity.

Pack up the rest.

Clean place out.

Have chat with people who are buying the place to see if they want any of the furniture left.

Hire removal people to take the rest of the furniture away for charity.

Hire removal people to move the things I'm taking with me.

Won't all be done this week ofcourse but that's what's got to be done here.

And ofcourse go to the solicitors and get all the legal stuff sorted out.