Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Wot to do

Got a bit of a cold so if I'm offline I've gone back into hospital ... hopefully I won't .. but I'm at the sneezing and feeling slightly sick stage .. hopefully it won't get any worse than this. Maybe not cause before there weren't any warnings before I started feeling very ill the other times. I just started feeling sick and then there was a lot of pain and sickness. But .. I did have a cold the last time.

It wasn't a bad day really .. though in future I'll just have hot chocolate if I have anything to eat or drink at the hospital .. or take fortisips in with me .. I can't manage that much food!!!! Not that it was a lot .. but I don't really eat that much at once now .. I went for pasta and lentil bake wiv chips as did the young guy behind me .. but I just couldn't manage it however nice it was.

Hopefully I'm gonna be ok .. I've sneezed again .. haven't been sick and the feeling of nausea is going away. I've taken two antisickness pills today so that might be helping .. I felt a bit queasy earlier on but thought it might be something to do with having stretched out quite a bit during the imaging earlier on today.

Meditation is back on the cards .. I know I keep on saying this .. but this time I mean it .. doesn't work for everyone but I'm OK with it. I think I kinda do it naturally anyway to some extent .. not actual meditation .. but I go into a kind of restful doze .. half way there or something. I've blogged about meditation lots of times citing some studies. Can't remember which links I put up in connection with the studies on Buddhist monks .. think I might've put them up more in connection with happiness and meditation as far as the monks were concerned because that was what I was blogging about at the time.

I was googling meditation and gamma waves this time ..before I didn't separate gamma and beta waves.

Gamma waves



Wondering whether to go to bed or not at the moment cause I'm back feeling a bit queasy again. I've sneezed again and the sickness has come and gone again.