Monday, May 05, 2008

Up .......

Up .. and sorting the rest out!!! Had another evening of dozing but when I did get to sleep I slept for about five hours.

I'm glad I went yesterday .. I'm sitting here this morning feeling my usual tired self and kinda wondering how I got there .. ok .. it's not far .. but it was quite late and I'd've thought that would've made it quite difficult for me to walk there and back. I had been thinking of going for a while but when the time came around to go I'd think that I probably would find it too difficult to get there. Yesterday evening I just thought I'd go even though I had left it so late. Glad I did .. surprised in some ways that I did decide to go considering that I'd left setting out so late .. arrived at about seven!!! lol!!! It seemed longer when I was walking there too .. but coming back was much easier. My oramorph would've taken effect while I as there too .. it's a bit like sunsceen .. takes a while to be effective. No point using either and expecting instant results. The oramorph seems to vary .. probably down to what I've eaten .. but is usually about 15 mins or so before I notice a difference. It's about the same for sunscreen .. takes about 20 minutes to be effective .. you have to wait for it to be absorbed into your skin. Best to put it on 20/30 mins before going out. The same as taking the oramorph .. both rely on absorbtion to be effective.

It's why I have the MST .. that provides a slow release for 12 hours at a time providing a background for the oramorph and other pain relief.

Well ... now .. up .. fed .. and .. medicated!!!!!!