Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just a little zzz

Dozed off here for a while and I'm still reasonably ok so I'll potter off to bed. Was a little sick but the bad breakthrough pain just came and went ... whereas before it well and truely stayed.

I do want to know just what is going on though so I can think things through easier. I found a diary, when I was googling for info on some of my medication the day before yesterday, that's been written by someone who has terminal cancer diagnosed and who's only in their early thirties .. against all odds he has gone into some kind of remission which is brilliant news. It's interesting to see that our attitude towards coping with illness is much the same. Makes it easy for me to read what's not been put out there too here and there. All my best wishes are sent to him.

Anyway .. I better go to bed .. the doze has refreshed me quite a bit but I need to get to bed now.