Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Been quite tired today though did potter out to the shops this evening .to stock up on the usual things a bit.

Haven't sorted the Arabic stuff out quite yet but I'm getting there .. just trying ti remember what things are called and what'll be useful.

So why not have a musical interlude while you're waiting.


An independent label in The Netherlands is celebrating 5 years of music .. click on link and then click on free downloads. Or there might be something more to your taste over at the Free Music Archive mentioned on their site. There's plenty on the internet archive site too. Shame I was never really into The Grateful Dead .. but there you go. Lots of people were so I expect they enjoy that .#

There's so much free music out now thanks to the net. Just been listening to a drum solo that was quite hypnotic.

I'll sort the Arabic out .. it'll help me trying trying to explain!!! lol!!!