Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Newsy music blog

Anyway here's one of the CC music blogs.


I think quite a bit of the music that he's found, liked and linked back to is from Jamendo and the archive org but there are others to small free web labels like these two



The download links from his blog go directly to the page on the site they came from.

The first classical one is from the archive org


Click on Archives by month to posts back to 2007

He also has a list of blogs and sites offering CC music if you click Other Music Sources. Some of the sites listed under Record Labels offering Free Downloads offer a few sample tracks. They are fully commercial record labels offering a track by track download version of sampler albums.

He's put a new album up over night!!!!!! Another one from the Archive org,

Maybe this site covers all the blogs etc I saw before .. it covers quite a few. He says the links are links to the kind of music he likes. There're are quite a lot so maybe his lists will cover anything else I'll find!!!!! Anyway, there's lots to check out there.