Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Emerging realities

Well, obviously something's changing. Is it just that I'm starting to feel better or am I also starting to feel that I've been going through my mind for long enough. I certainly don't feel well.I'm still swollen up and my muscles still feel taut and uncomfortable. I can't concentrate as well as I could, though it's much better, so my health hasn't returned to normal yet. I doubt if the concentration will be back until all the swelling has gone down, but it's a lot better and probably very good considering how I feel.

Waits for poor swollen tummy to go down. But at least most of the pain has gone.

I will remember the last few weeks for the rest of my life. I might possibly be more wary and cynical than I was a few weeks ago,or at least in a very different way, but I've changed in other ways too. I think the way my brain works has changed possibly because of the things I've been thinking about. Well, it would wouldn't it. What's been going on has been pretty deep and I'm sure extra neuron connections have been made as happens when you start using the brain in new ways.

Perhaps I'm getting better too because I'm listening to Radio Netherlands's Nuremberg - Law On Trial and finding it interesting rather than having to put a lot of effort into concentrating on it. For the last few weeks music has been what's got me through but this evening I'm happy to listen to other things.

Later on this evening I'm returning to my Dutch.