Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Other jottings

I just love Open Diary though my diary is anything but open. I now only have one public post which is just a hi there complete with sunflower smilies. Other than that it's just private thoughts and they are helping too.

It's nice when someone puts enough trust in you not to behave like an absolute shit. Though isn't that just the truth.

Writing about things helps you to see things more clearly.

I've also started a couple of LJ's. Not that I'm writing in them. That art magazine had a poster in it that reminded me of MK. Not in what she's wearing but just the face and hair. MK'd be more likely to be wearing a Princess Peach frock. The poster's used a lot in that issue. And I worried again because she's so fricking vulnerable and I wished that I'd made more effort to stay in touch. Not that MK is very good at keeping in touch either at times.

She's with that guy though and things are fine but it's just knowing how vulnerable she is. Hopefully there's no need to worry and I suspect that there isn't. He is pretty cool.

She's going off to study law.
