Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Yeah .. what have I been doing

Had quite a long talk with a friend from Amsterdam today.

He said if I don't look after myself I'm just going to be ill and not doing anything when there's no need for it to be like that. Have to say that was just starting to dawn on me but no one else had actually put it that way.

I am looking after myself much better. I was out today but got in and leafed through the papers then went and lay down because I felt tired. Rested for about three hours. Still tired though.

The cold has affected my left side a little,the foot's still sore and there's a slight tenderness that side of my body. My left eye was very sore when the cold really took off too. It got into the nerves that side of my body. It's gone now but I'm still not feeling well.

Just off to put a prepared but healthy meal in the oven.