Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Healthy eating

Hey. To the person who said Thanks for the stuff on healthy eating. Well, I didn't really have much choice, did I.

There was more on the BBC news site yesterday about malnutrition. Seems it's quite a problem. I can imagine it is mainly with older folk in their 70s/80s who lose interest in food. But I'd also think that it fans out quite a bit more than that.

It's not just a problem of not eating. It's also to do with what you eat. I ate. Just ate the wrong stuff that didn't have much nutrition in it.

It helps to find out just what is recommended for the day as far as nutrition goes. I know. I carefully went through it all when I became a vegan because I knew that I had to be careful really and make sure that I ate properly. I've been a vegan for about 15/20 years I guess. Must be about that.

I just got very tired and couldn't be bothered and it kind of snowballs. Not good at cooking and things anyway.

I guess this could be a place to start looking for information