Friday, February 10, 2006

Well, I'm slowly getting over the last illness. Yesterday I didn't notice the problem walking when I set off down the corridor. Though it's still there, just not as bad. Someone said I was getting better too, so I suppose I am, but it's just such a slow process.

It happened quickly but getting better is a whole different story.

I'm achy but that's getting better, the localised dull ache in my chest has gone and there's now just a general feeling of discomfort. My back muscles are a bit stingy or something. I'm not taking much pain relief. I don't generally, but I suppose I should when I need it because pain can make muscles tense, though I have noticed that I can relax them quite a bit with on the spot relaxation techniques and meditation. So my few minute meditation breaks are helping and I can get in to that while I'm out and on the move. Just stops the muscles tensing up more and causing extra problems.

I was awake til about three this morning because of changes in my muscles. Couldn't sleep while it was happening. The muscles moved a bit around one of my ears a few minutes ago. Makes noises in my head. Still I did get to sleep eventually and I did have quite a lot of sleep the night before.

See how things go.