Saturday, February 04, 2006

and yes .........

I am up at just gone four in the morning. Have just had a big sneezing fit. Well, if I can be sneezing like that and feeling this much better something must be looking up mustn't it.

My eyes are all watery, but then they have been for a few days. And I'm a bit on the sniffley side.

Thinks: Oh no. Can this mean another cold.

I think it's one on it's way out.

Flipping hell though, my muscles are pulling against each other as the inflamation and swelling of the last month is going down. Uncomfortable to say the least. And there's the occasional amplified loud noise in my head as they move again there as well.

Quelle fun, huh.

The sneezing ofcourse made me ache as well because there's more movement in my chest muscles. But at least all that flipping pain has gone, it's just some kind of ache there now. Well, it's a bit painful obviously, but nothing like it was.

Just going to get a drink of water because I didn't have anything to drink with my dinner. Didn't eat much of the dinner either. For reason see above. "Thinks: Oh no. Can this mean another cold. Will have some sort of soyary sandwich with the water.

Goes to kitchen ... again!!

Could tell a funny story here but it's someone else's story and perhaps I shouldn't. But it's had me laughing on and off for a while now.


Potters off to start new LJ.

Oh me flipping chest man. I've never felt like this before. Strange feeling.