Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Message boards

The one I was posting on for a while isn't really for me I don't think. I've got to pm someone for the link to her board because I'd deleted it and I can't remember what it was called. It should be cool chatting about things but on the first board there's nothing I really want to talk about there. I realise it generally takes time to get to know the people but at the rate I'd be posting I don't think I'd be any wiser a year from now.

I'm on a board where some people I know from another board post and that's friendly though not very busy.

Another one just has so much to read though is ok and I guess I might head there if I've a bit of time to spare. In fact better go and introduce myself I guess. Perhaps not tonight though as I do really feel a bit irritable. Not like myself at all. I'm sure it's just the illness and tiredness. Just hope I'm soon better.

Off to the kitchen again then.