Thursday, February 23, 2006


Hopefully I can get the flat sorted out this week, moving the next week, and the furniture to where ever it's going the week after that.

I'd've liked it to go to the woman I mentioned before, but it probably won't. She's grieving so hard and maybe it's not the time to try and sort the furniture out for her. I'll just see where I can give it to. I guess there'll be a lot of people who'd like it.

I've not much to do really, but just haven't felt like doing anything much. I just want to get on and do it now. I know it's going to bring back memories as I'm sorting it out.

I've signed the contract and release form though there's still not a date to go. It's not me either, from what I understand there's problems somewhere else down the line. I've said I'll be out within six weeks (again!!) and I just intend to do that.

I'm still not well, but hopefully my health isn't going to get in the way again.