Monday, February 05, 2007


Someone asked me if I'd changed some of my political and social opinions over the last couple of years. I think they thought I'd be much tougher. Well, I'm more flexible I think politically. I've been looking over at some of the things happening in France and Spain and wondering how this might be reflected here because I think A Change Is Gonna Come.

I was mulling over some of the things Mr Blair has been proposing .. people talk about them .. like educating children about global warming. I guess he'll also need to tie in things about the economy .. brought home in a big way while I was in hospital .. paying for the NHS and education etc along with trying to sort out ecological problems.

And there was the proposition of longer term education for everyone. Being encouraged to start at three and end in some way or other at eighteen. I thought it could be a good idea. Learning is a good thing and there's going to be a heck of a lot of global competition out there in the future.

Then there're social problems. I thought tying some of Mr Blair's ideas in with the response in France could lead to some interesting thinking. I was also interested in some of the other later responses from all sides to the prison problem.

A lot of the talk on the continent has been about alienation. I think it's wider spread though and a lot more complicated, going through different stages in different ways.

I'm politically much more flexible. What has put me off the present Labour party is their manyana approach to a lot of things. It's so often in the years ahead, regardless of whether they're in power or not. I'd like to see concrete plans laid out more. Are we encouraging more teachers for the new longer term educational plans as from now. Will they be teaching in a different way given that they'll be teaching older pupils in the main who will be doing compulsory studies. Will these studies reflect the needs of the country. And the very young. I was once attracted by the manyana approach as it involved paying off some of the national debt .. seems a long time ago - and indeed it is!!! It's not quite so attractive now all these years later.

Well, I'm pottering off to get me dinner out of the oven, and, then, once it's settled, bagging up some rubbish. Turning in at 11. Up at 7 to 8 I hope. I don't let myself get up during the night to phone or be on the computer anymore, however tempting. I just rest.