Friday, June 08, 2007

Well ....

Lunch is ... some organic spicy lentil soup, a few grapes and a nutri-grain bar.

I might potter off to spend me medical voucher!!! Wasn't sure whether to spend it or frame it!!!! It's pretty cool for my consultant to do that. At least 40 or so local GPs know a lot about this particular illness now. And probably more about related ones too as there was a kind of a teach in later as well.

As I said the team here are in touch with the team at St Thomas' where I will be returning to at some point. They're finding out more from the consultant there in charge of the speciality dept.

Going off to wash me hair with my special shampoo. I have new face washing cream now too to soften the skin before using the steroid ointment. Just a hint if you're presented with the choice between steroid cream or ointment, steroid cream stings a lot ... steroid ointment doesn't.

Go out for a bit. Do a little bit of clearing and sorting