Saturday, September 01, 2007


Didn't sleep Thursday night so was rather bleary yesterday. I was in quite a lot of pain and for some reason or other the pain relief didn't do its usual job and let me go to sleep. Usually the morphine etc plus being still lets me drift off.

Yesterday I rested for a lot of the day then went down the docs .. and managed to walk back. Chatted on the phone a while .. had dinner .. then turned in and did get some rest this time .. well, slept through the night.

Quite a lot of pain this morning so bunged up with pain relief. I don't know why it seems to work so much better some times than others but I guess it's something to do with how the muscles are getting on and would be more to do with the amount of pain I'm in than the medication.

Anyway .. just going to take my steroids and get something to eat. I've eaten a breakfast bar. Dunno why but I still haven't got much of an appetite.

Grey here today .. maybe I missed the sunny intervals. Quite pleasant though .. not cold at all.