Wednesday, June 24, 2009


At the moment I usually start to feel ill in the first day aft7Ser being near someone who's sneezed .. don't know why cause sometimes I must've had the cold but I guess my immune system must have a hard time coping with any viruses .. but I've been sneezed around at very close quarters three times with all of the sneezes just spraying anyone and everything close by in the last six days and things haven't got worse The only time that this has happened before .. being sneezed around and not feeling very ill afterwards was with that guy when we were going out shopping when he sneezed in the car .. to the side if I remember rightly, but I still expected to feel awful for a few days .. but didn't.

I had a woman coughing over everything in a queue in M&S too amd she looked as if she'd just come back from being somewhere very sunny .. I could see the woman at the check out was feeling just the same as me. I came back .. sprayed my perishable food with anti-bacterial spray .. left everything else alone for 12 hours and sprayed/wiped all the door handles etc I'd touched in the building. It was when the was a lot in the papers about people coughing and sneezing on planes and I was just being careful .. lol!!!

It was when containment was the name of the game so I was hoping to contain .. just incase.

I'm still careful .. usually put handgel on to go out and buy food .. but. let's face it, if people aren't being careful about sneezing and coughing when they've got a bug it's not gonna make much difference. I've been quite shocked by the way people just let it rip. Someone said to me a couple of weeks ago that they had yet to see someone be careful when sneezing and it doesn't happen very often I guess so the flu's going to spread quickly eventually I guess.

I'm just going to have my morning tea .. the liquorice one .. brewed for just 7 mins ,, lol!!! Got some garlic too .. that should be ok chopped up in cider apple vinegar and taken with some food I guess .. it's a good anti cholesterol remedy and has anti viral properties too .. but I have to say isn't really my favourite and I can't eat it raw on an empty stomach.

If it wasn't for the effect it appears to be having on the back of my mouth I would be going for the tumeric and white tea but there you go .. people have told me that tumeric is the best anti viral there is apart from elderberry which isn't much use here when it's not quite known what we're coping with because of the way it boosts the immune system. Anyway I'm going for me 40% liquorice tea with some tumeric .. have some white tea later on though could've bunged that in too I guess.

And will go and sort some garlic out. Might go and have a look in the health shops to see what strengths etc garlic oil comes in .. does that come as a mixture too or is it always just garlic oil.

Just have to be sensible about it all.