Monday, June 22, 2009


Had to go for a test today .. well, didn't have to .. but did cause I'd missed the hospital appointment I had cause I wasn't feeling very well .. think I mentioned it earlier .. I'd got a lovely letter from them apologizing if it was there fault or they'd got it wrong .. anyway I've good news to take in with me to the hospital to see me consultant .. out of all the things it could've been .. it's the least worrying. I thought it probably was this cause around 80% of people who're on some of the medication I'm on develop this problem and it can be corrected .. I believe there's an alternative treatment too which is a totally different kind of treatment .. and it really works too!!!! And might just be better for me but I dunno .. will have to ask. Anyway .. won't be taking up another appointment up at the hospital.

Also found out today that you can get pure liquorice teabags .. we've been using a blend of different herbs .. well that's what I bought first of all and they seemed to have an effect so that's what we've been using .. have a box of the pure liquorice ones too now .. bit cheaper than the mixed blends .. I think I'll just stick to me mixed one in the morning though for now cause of my medication. May use the pure ones when I catch the flu .. may not. Really don't know at the moment.

Will talk it over.

The medication might sound more trouble than it's worth .. because of all the problems I've had with it .. but it's done a lot of good too. It's just that my illness is a difficult one to treat. I've gone into them often enough in my blogs .. about some being immune suppressants because I have an auto immune condition .. so people who read me blog will've understood the probs I could face with the flu.

Anyway .. the teas etc still appear to be keeping the effects of me colds down to a more tolerable level .. so I'll be keeping on with them. And I think keeping a bit of distance from the junk food too .. the more sugary stuff .. should anyway .. why? Other than it's not really good for you.

One guess.

Yes .. because of my meds!!!!! So from .. now .. no more overly sugary stuff .. so .. that's one interesting looking pudding in the bin .. but I think it's for the best. Since starting the white tea my tummy hasn't really been that comfortable with anything like that. Obviously my tummy isn't that strong anyway .. both illness and meds .. but more illness than meds this time I think .. though morphine can make people feel queasy .. not one of the side effects that I had with it though .. one of my docs told me that he had trouble taking morphine cause of nausea .. but, if I remember rightly .. he was ok with another opiate that made me feel rather rough.

Anyway .. going to have a mug of white tea now.

This is the article on the possibilities of green tea and prostate cancer

There was another interesting article on the same illness on the same day in one of the papers which told how a chemical had shrunk previously inoperable tumours to a size where surgeons could now operate whereas they couldn't before..

This chemical wasn't from tea though ... lol!!!!

It seems that there are chemicals in plants that slow the progression of illnesses down a bit.

Going off to put the kettle on.