Thursday, June 18, 2009


The teas are easy concepts to understand but it's difficult to choose which ones to go for .. echinacea is ofcourse out .. it was for me anyway cause I can't take anything that boosts the immune system because of my illness .. don't know how effective it's said to be anyway.

The chemical that's released in liquorice tea is anti viral and also has a battening down effect on one of the cytokines so you're going the right way there .. and, obviously 2 teabags aren't the same as 200gms or so of liquorice tea just as there's a difference between 20 and 500mls of morphine.

I didn't expect it to have any effect but it has. That's because I thought there wouldn't be enough there to make any difference .. but I was wrong. Interesting reading all about it too.

Working my way down the list now .. think I've spotted what will be in my hospital bag .. if I don't suddenly start feeling worse that is.

All you can do is your best and be prepared.

Me friends have been joking about eating loads of junk good to avoid cytokine storms .. obviously this is a good time to let rip on the crisps and chocolate .. blimey what an excuse .. my immune system's too strong .. ah ... I know!!! You do still need a healthy immune system but not to boost it really. But I guess herbs that work on cytokines might flatten that response into not starting.

I'm going for one liquorice teabag a day .. a bit on the cautious side considering it's not all liquorice .. heaven knows how many equal one pontefract cake!!! It does seem to have a different effect as a tea though. Suppose it's how it's absorbed. Eating me garlic too .. just incase!!

And I'm going to have a couple of cups of white tea a day .. read today that it has antiviral properties and is also effective against pneumonia .. in the lab anyway .. said to be better than green tea as an anti viral. When I catch the flu though I will probably drink more liquorice tea.

I've never eaten very much liquorice at a time I have to say .. suppose about 50g is my limit .. love the stuff though .. Dutch soft liquorice .. yummy .. but it's something I seem to have a natural enough response to so even when I was eating it medicinally I didn't eat much. My favourite sweet though .. I suppose I could have a couple of sweets .. really ... lol!!! Along with me teabag!!!

It's difficult cause the flu reacts in the body in different ways. Cytokine storms have been considered the main problem in the panademic early last century .. but there are others .. I think the best way to try and do anything that might help with herbs is to try to make the virus weaker .. even slightly could help quiye a bit I think.

Even for me .. on my meds .. think I'm going to have to discuss this next week with my docs .. well, what to do about the immune suppressant meds so I know what to do or what to advise people when I have to go to hospital which I suppose I will cause of the meds .. dunno if they'll've been advised what to do beforehand about that kind of medication. All I can hope for is to find a way of making the virus weaker I guess.

I was very sceptical when I started this .. though I was aware of the tumeric/platelets on the brain remedy. Actually .. that is amazing cause so little of it is made available to the body .. so how can that work .. but it apparently does. I really didn't think it would work .. which wasn't exactly helping things along I know .. but I do tend to be on the scepticle side .. though open minded .. bit in the way I've approached this. I was willing to give it a go but underneath I guess I wasn't that hopeful.

Guess I'd rather not have had to have a constant bug to try it out on too .. but there you go .. one of the side effects of the medication.