Sunday, June 14, 2009


I did pop down to the Peace Festival .. trouser hunting .. and found a couple of pairs I liked this year. My brother was one of a group of hippies that started it off way back .. there were only 4 or 5 stalls at the first one.

He feels that the message is over commercialized these days .. but I dunno .. ur not going to wear many of the clothes there and use the patches if you're too into commercialism I don't think. I did think that last year's festival did come off as very commercial though ..much more so than any other time I'd been or this year's. Suppose it depends on the stalls that have booked in..

One of his friends brother organized it this year .. but I guess they need to start getting the organization organized because if he hadn't been such a good organizer things could've been over rushed to get things done on time.

Most people I spoke to about the festival insisted that they were too old to go now or they didn't like the crowds .. which rather surprized me .. I couldn't stay long cause of the sun .. but I thought it was fine .. and much better than last year .. well, I found some trousers there this year. Be nice if they had a sewing machine on site to take them up if you need to though ... lol!!!!

I'll manage.

Actually what was rather noticeably missing from something like that were craft stalls I guess. But I guess maybe they belong back way back when .. cause I guess the internet takes care of anything like that these days.

Right .. have to continue with the sorting out and tidying up etc.