Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I have to say that I was quite surprized when I read that article a local resident had written about this town on the travelling site because I had no idea things were like that. I found it when I was searching for the opening times of the Post Office on a Saturday here. I had wondered if there was anything to hide and judging by that a number of people must've thought there was. I did know that there was what someone called attitude and someone else had told said the place was medieval and had gone to live in Banbury ... lol!!

That was written five years ago and according to the local press things have gotten worse. But there's been a problem here for a long time .. the beer tent at the Peace Festival had to go because the day used to erupt into something that wasn't very peaceful.

I get to know that the paper's reports about late nights here are true cause I'm in the middle of town so get to hear a lot of what these people must take with them round town.

God knows what cocktail of chemicals are frothing round these peoples brains because they don't seem in touch with the real world. But there seems to be quite a widespread disconnection from the real world .. or the outside world .. almost as if it doesn't exist which I don't understand at all.

I had to say to some people the other day that there was an unpleasant street culture here after they started talking about it and not to worry or take anything personally. Really they're talking about themselves!!! lol!!

I hope things improve overall. I suppose it's going to count on the attitudes of the people in each individual place as to what happens .. but also where the government take their input.

Obviously things can't ever be perfect but I guess they can improve. And I hope they do.

I was going to say that things seemed pretty amoral but they're not really it's more immoral because people still lie and try and shift the blame so I suppose they do recognise there's a moral code as far as treating other people goes.

I've been reading quite a bit on the net recently about the problem in the UK in general .. most people don't think there's a hope in hell's chance of things improving regardless of which generation they come from. I don't know how representative of people they are. But, people think things are going to get worse and worse.

I was going to say .. we shall see .. but I don't know if I'll be around to experience that on planet earth .. it's obviously not going to happen over night.

I hope they do though.