Sunday, January 10, 2010


Finished sending all the links over now. Well enough for people to be able to find their way around with anyway.

Did my usual meditation this morning .. think I've still got a bit of a cold as my mind wondered rather a lot.

Am listening to this at the moment

Just the first track .. not sure what it'd be like to meditate to. I'm quite tired and, at the moment, if I concentrate on the music. I want to kind of sink into it and relax.

There's a little bit that comes in here and there which I'd've changed to a different note or even the sound of flowing water softly coming in and then ebbing away . And, then, a bit later on, it's done in a way that my mind falls in with easily.


I was listening to some jazz last night and I think it's often the tempo I have problems adjusting to. I've never been much of a fan though I did really try with Cleo Laine cause I liked the sound of her voice.

Also listened to some heavy metal that I liked to start off with and then started to feel bored.

But other people liked it ... so .... lol!!!!!

Music is very personal. I have to say that with some of the music I've heard on Jamendo, that is technically good but loses me along the way, I often feel it hasn't really been looked at as a complete piece of music more as a progression from start to finish .. oh, let's just add this bit here and that bit there without really relating it back to say five minutes before and it can start to feel a bit jumpy. And, with others, where people would be dancing to it, it'll lose the beat or not have a hook in beat to pull it all back together again rhythmically. Shame cause some of it has so much promise. Well, that's how I feel anyway.