Saturday, May 01, 2010


Ended up going to go to the health clinic in Streatham this afternoon .. more pills. Wish I hadn't taken what I did last night now .. one of the chemo tablets, 40mg of prednisolone and 1000mgs of mycrophenolate .. looked like the bride of Dracula when I got up so could be I was treating the wrong thing. Didn't cut the cyclophosphamide in half for a smaller dose as I found out, reading up about it, that you have to swallow them whole.

Well, probably did my auto immune illness some good but not what's causing the extra problems .. they were the worst they've been by a long way.

Wondered whether to get in touch with the hospital. I believe there's always someone from the department on call for emergencies .. someone came in when I was admitted to hospital once before and said not to worry because there was always someone on call and I expect that it's the same for all hospitals. But I left it .. sorted myself out best I could .. masses of some cream they gave me at the hospital and warm water and vaseline.

By the afternoon things were still looking bad though different so I decided that I'd have to see a doctor. More pills.

Will not be taking the cyclophosphamide tonight .. don't think my body will tolerate it at the moment and will be contacting the hospital on Tuesday.