Thursday, December 08, 2005

Completion date

Well, I've given them a date as Jan 31st. The contracts haven't been signed so it's not official yet. I tacked two weeks on to the mid Jan date just incase my health gives out again. If it does get bad someone else can deal with the actual move because I'm not drawing this out any longer. I thought it would be so easy to get it sorted out. Didn't count on my health going down like that. Inflamed spine and brain membranes. My spine doesn't hurt anymore, there's just a sort of stinging feeling or itchy feeling around there sometimes and I think at the moment that has more to do with my last cold than that initial illness. It's not just in my spine either, think it's worse in my neck around where the glands are up.

And I am getting better. See other people know me better than I do myself at times. That comes as no surprise in situations like this. I'm being very good at the moment. I did go to Sainsbury's. The one out of town, and I was out in town a bit before than. But nothing else.

I did some tidying up. Not much, but some. Everytime I write something like that I feel like nicking Toolmaggot's piccie off the hippie board and sticking it up here. The expression just fits. Well, if it's the same one, haven't seen her posts this week cause I haven't been there for a week or so. I can't believe she's so young, she sometimes just creases me up. Yet I guess you know that she is too.