Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The joy of being vegan

Ended up reading the article in The Independent on line.

Bit slow loading here at the moment, think it might have something to do with the ads or that Active X download info which my system is blocking at the moment.

are everywhere with an estimated 600,000 to a million vegans here. Or, is that vegetarians. The article is loading slowly and I can't be bothered to go and get the paper. Well, it is quarter past two in the morning. Just up to have a glass of water. Fell asleep early in the evening.

I've been a vegan for about 15/20 years, can't remember quite how long, and was a vegetarian for a few years before that. Had been a vegetarian when a teenager, stopped, went back to it, then became a vegan.

I think the front page leader said something about veganism keeping you thin. Well, it depends what you eat I guess. You can be a vegan and eat a load of crap just as you can if you're not vegan.

But, as for the joy of being vegan. I'm a happy vegan. I know that there are problems. What you can buy when you go into supermarkets is obviously rather limited, but to be honest I don't care at all really. Now, I've started "cooking" again I think as long as there's tins of tomatoes and jars of curry sauces (vegan) I'll be ok. Well, add tins of chick peas etc to that and things are fine.

My cooking used to be more or less throwing things into a saucepan. Came in handy when Graham and some other people moved next to me and at times of crisis I could just throw tins of tomatoes, soup and Beanfeast into a saucepan together. I'm learning to cook the same way again. If it's not spinnach, because it cooks quickly, I can cook other veg, drain it, and then add other things to the saucepan. Other things ofcourse being tins of tomatoes etc.

When I became a vegan there probably weren't that many of us around here. That was somewhere between 1985 and 1990 I guess. I knew a few of them which is what eventually helped me decide to change from a vegetarian to a vegan. No one I knew thought it was strange regardless of what they ate. Guess they were used to me being a vegetarian and I had been thinking about becoming a vegan for quite a while before I did.

What I did do wrong was change over too quickly for my body to adapt. I ate quite a lot of dairy produce before and just stopped one day and I guess the sudden change affected me more than I'd thought it would. Don't know if it was the change in hormone levels from giving up all that yogurt but I had a couple of rather uncomfortable months afterwards, things were fine after that though.