Friday, February 09, 2007

The Offer

I see that there's an offer a foot to save the world.

It's there for someone who finds a way of cleaning the atmosphere of the carbon that's accumulated and accumulating through the way we using the planet.

This effect was predicted over a hundred years ago by two British scientists who were considering the effects of the industrial revolution. It's now thought to be 95% certain that they are correct.

There was a hope that a cooling effect way on the edge of the atmosphere would regulate what was happening eventually but we're sitting here watching as temperatures rise and ice melts. The fear is that we're approaching where one effect will start creating others.

One of the first things I read in hospital when I was well enough to start reading again was Stephen Hawkins views about the dangers the world faced at the moment. I'm sure I'd read them before but he was saying that he saw a point of no return as far as the global warming scenario goes. As far as pollutant global warming versus solar flares argument goes I guess you have to research back over the years and compare and also consider the scientific arguments for the problems caused by the pollutants in the atmosphere. People have stepped back from Stephen Hawkin's argument a bit in the last year or so because it is so stark but the fact is the pollutants are there and the plant's ecosystems are suffering.

It's not just about removing the carbon from the atmosphere though. Hopefully that'll come to something but it's not here yet. Business and governments also have to think about the amount of pollutants that are being put out.

There was a good article in American Scientist about work some American companies were doing in this respect and that they were actually finding it profitable.