Monday, July 23, 2007

Pills and ulcer doon ....

Well, another ulcer down. The one at the bottom of the left side of my neck is just a circle that is slowly getting lighter rather than having any broken layers of skin there. Why I have no idea. You'd think there would be some connection between them but this isn't happening.

I'd thought that they would improve as the muscles changed and this does seem to be happening because obviously all the swelling and inflamation isn't helping the skin layers to settle.

But there are other things going on too and I just have to wait and see what happens with them. These are illnesses and a half, aren't they!!!

Tomorrow I try something else. I am sceptical as usual .. but there's no harm in trying.

You'd think with my experience, learning massage etc, that I'd be in there using all that I've learnt. I'm often too tired though. But, ofcourse, once I'm well enough to be home, we can swap what we've learnt, and theraputarise each other!!!!!!

I'm looking forward to it. Accupressure sounds good. As I said a long time ago it's good if your friends are learning these things too .. you can help each other .. like a therapy centre.

And, about healthy eating .. I didn't last night .. just had a piece of pizza and I felt noticeably bad this morning. Second time that's happened so I suppose there's a connection. This evening I've a veggie based meal going on. I meant to last night just didn't get around to it in the end.

I do listen to what everyone says, just don't always get round to sorting it out. But then who does every single time!!!!! Last night was because I hadn't defrosted and it would've taken me ages to do dinner if I'd waited. I guess pizza+ might've been ok but not just pizza by itself. Me body has a lot of healing to do.

Right .. the evening's paracetamol, steroid sparing drugs, MST and oramorph are about to be sorted out. I don't want my dinner at 12.00 or something waiting because I've taken me pills very late!!! I've done it before a few times. How much easier was it when there wasn't quite so much of half an hour before this/an hour before that etc.

I just hope there won't be any more to add in along the way. You could just imagine couldn't you. Right, that's ten minutes before those and half an hour before food, and they are .......... ad infinitum ..........

At the moment steroid sparings are down, marked off and the paracetamol is fizzing .. I do those first because they are the ones that it's really important to mark off.

I double check them now too. Don't want to do without them but don't want to make myself feel ill either.

Done and dusted.