Friday, July 20, 2007

Well, they're off!!! I suppose the connections there: interesting that they're off to Nova Scotia while I really like Louisiana. She said ages ago that we'd a lot in common and it's true. The biking, the politics and I suppose a liking for places with similar connections. That came as a surprize to me. And .. um, both being a bit on the late side. (Well, I hope they're off).

Ofcourse I'll never bike again. I said sometime ago that I was an armchair biker now, reading me bike mags and watching dvds. Think it was while I had the limp, little did I know that would be how it would stay. Well, the limp's gone, but I won't be biking again.

I'm sleepy this evening again, been dozing a lot, not sleeping, just a sort of sleepy wakefulness. So, I'm taking me pain meds and off to sleep.