Thursday, July 19, 2007


Well I slept through for around ten hours last night. Much better than it's been for months though I have to say that I've not been feeling at all well for the last few days. A couple of months of just a little sleep on top of everything else catching up with me I guess. I felt better yesterday evening though a bit late in the day really fer that I guess!!!!

Sorted out my pills and the marking off. They are now in an orange box I bought in the Smith's sale a little while ago .. half price .. down from £4.99 to £2.49. I've put the marking off book plus a biro in the box with them so everything's together. Much easier.

Just sitting round after taking the steroid sparing drugs, the ones that I have to take an hour before food in the morning.

Seems a slightly nicer day this morning too weatherwise. Waits for the rain to start .. yes, there are clouds!! but as yet .. no rain .. well, if there was earlier on I was asleep and missed it.

Right .. steroid time coming up .. these are the pills .. eight of 'em .. I have to take with food. Potters off to get breakfast for the steroids.

Well, I did say once that I wanted to know if I took me pills with food or not .. didn't know it'd turn out to be so complicated.

Eats a bit of breakfast, then burrows into box for pills, book and biro again.


Much easier now that everything's together.