Monday, July 09, 2007

Reading blogs

I decided to have a look round a few more sites today. It's quite a long time since I've read a blog where I haven't known the person whose written it. Just been looking round the first one I clicked on. The front page has a section showing pictures that've been posted that day and a few excerpts from the blogs. There seem to be quite a mixture of people there and should be interesting reading. I think most people'll be quite young though.

Tanitedemotears? How old do you think? And do you think that's a spelling mistake or something creative? There's just the one post so far. The person's from California. I'd wondered if emo would be emo, US, or emo, UK when I saw the little excerpt. Well, soon found out.

Anyway that'll do as a site for me to read. Just the first one I clicked on to. Might try some more later on and have a look round.

Should be interesting.