Sunday, July 15, 2007


Up and sorted. I had about seven hours sleep last night, twelve the night before. Breakfast: yogurt, fruit and a cereal bar.

I was saying on one of the boards that I don't really have much of a sweet tooth any more. I like fruit but candies and cake and things like that don't interest me much now. Someone wondered if your tastebuds changed as you got older and this might explain it. But I know people older than me who love sweet things so I don't know. I just find that there's too much sugar in most chocolate for my taste and some other things too. They often taste like sugar+ rather than the other ingredients plus some sugar. I find some savoury things are the same but with an over riding taste of salt rather than sugar.

I was quite surprized by the chocolate because before I started eating vegetarian rather than just vegan products while I was in hospital I mainly ate Green and Black's non dairy chocolate and the sweetness wasn't so obvious. But trying out different kinds of chocolate and other vegetarian products I was amazed at the sugary taste of a lot of it because it was so different from what I'd been used to.

I'd had that Bowen therapy that I mentioned at the time which seemed to stop my liking for what I thought were sweet things. Not what I went for .. that was about the little limp I had at the time .. which did get better .. remember the sensation of heat in the left foot while I was being treated!! But it was just a symptom of my illness which was more than just a little limp.

The sweet things were Green and Black's chocolate bars ..... I'd no idea at all that other chocolate was so sweeter. I'd been a vegan a long time.

I still quite like some minty chocolate but if I have a cold and it knocks out the minty taste a bit the sugary taste is very strong again.