Friday, July 13, 2007


I've been feeling quite sleepy the last couple of days and've just wanted to rest a lot. Yesterday I more or less wanted to curl up and doze for quite a bit of the day. Chatted a bit and went to the doctors but otherwise I wanted to sleep. Today I slept in and was surprized when I saw what time it was when I woke up.

Still if I'm tired a bit of extra sleep's a good thing. I'd not been sleeping much for a while. For some reason or other I slept less than usual while I was last in hospital and things had stayed much the same after leaving. I'd reckon that while I'm feeling like this eight hours sleep should be a minimum regardless of when I go to bed. I slept about ten hours straight through last night which was nice. Dozed through dinner time so I had a late dinner and then off to sleep late.

Throws the pill taking timing out a bit and the pain was a bit much this morning cause I'd woken up so late and the effects of the MST I'd taken the evening before would have well worn off (MST is slow release morphine) as well as the other pain relief. But I keep everything with me so I can take it before getting up.

Today was the once a week pill day too (half an hour before food). Got everything done and marked off.

I never realised that pill taking could be so complicated!!!