Friday, July 20, 2007

Grapefruit juice

is not as innocent as it seems.

I'd posted up about this report on one of my boards a couple of days ago:

and one of the other posters had said that she knew that grapefruit juice also reacted with some medications so this morning I googled it to see what was on the net. Well, there's quite a bit. Just one link:

It's my favourite fruit though I've hardly eaten any for a long time. Not a conscious decision though. I had wondered if drinking quite a bit of fruit juice had made this illness worse at one point and stopped. I like fruit juice but it's really rather acidic and sugar laden. It might've been a catalyst for the illness getting worse. I drank a lot of it over a few days before the illness got worse. You never know and it was the one change in my lifestyle at the time. Might be just how lots of fruit juice reacts with this condition. Best to be on the cautious side.

Guess it might just've been something in me subconscious that kept me away from one of me favourite drinks and fruits. I suppose I'd read about the medicine interaction somewhere down the line. Still, I think with this illness drinking largish quantities of any fruit juice might not be a good idea.

Anyway, had a very long sleep last night and today is me day for the weekly half hour before food pill so I'm sitting here waiting ...

Bit difficult if you've had a long sleep in but there you go .. it all gets sorted out somehow.