Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Up earlier than usual

I still haven't got the pill boxes but am ticking off the pills as I take them. It's such a relief once they're sorted out. They have to be taken with all these gaps between them for maximum effectiveness and without causing any other problems but it was easier when I got up in the morning and just piled up one lot to take at breakfast, dinner, tea and supper.

The lady whose mum is ill has a rarer auto immune disease than mine. At the moment she is waiting to see what form of the illness she has. There are two forms. The first biopsy came back as inconclusive so they'll try again. Which form she has will decide the kind of treatment she has. Her family've been researching the illness on the net.

And, yes, it can pay dividends to do this. I found that out when mum was ill.

It's good to be able to offer support where you know it's genuinely appreciated. I can give her information about the steroids too as there's a possibility she might have to take them. I've also been able to tell her about the pill boxes/bubble packs etc and the problems I've had. It helps to know about these things and think them through in advance I guess.

I'm very tired this morning as I didn't sleep much last night but the up side of that I suppose is that I got in an early dose of oramorph to take the edge off the pain before the usual first dose. Think I'd rather have the sleep though to be honest and the medication by my bed for when I wake up.

Wish there was a way to sort it out so there wasn't this first thing in the morning pain but even with pain patches the effect wears off every three days and you have that gradual decrease in analgesia before it's changed. I have the MST instead and I take these slow release pills every twelve hours.

I'm going to be trying out the sachets again. I've some here and'll be taking pills and sachets together to see if different forms of delivering the morphine make any difference to the pain.

Oh, and the manuka honey from Holland and Barretts. Guess this might explain why my cough cleared up so quickly after taking it.
