Friday, August 17, 2007


Well, up and medicated and fed as usual. My eyes were a lot better this morning than they've been for a long time. Was quite surprised.

The pain and tiredness hadn't changed though which isn't surprising.

And another cool, grey morning to wake up to. I shouldn't be complaining about this I know as a hot summer wouldn't've been good for me at all but still a warmer summer would've been nicer .. just not too hot. Maybe Sept/Oct will be better. Just warmish.

Will be starting me new dose pills tomorrow morning. Think it'll be a good idea to try out. I've still got me oramorph for pain breakthrough but to have a plateau there to build on is a good idea. See how it works. It'll be interesting for other people in a similar position and for people in the medical profession.

Today isn't good because there's quite a bit of muscle movement in my head. It started yesterday in my jaw. What with that and the pain in my left side ribs things ain't too brilliant but the muscles are slowly moving.