Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pain relief

I've been wondering if there's anything that can move this on a bit faster so that I can travel. Someone said about the medication that they thought that there'd be something more suitable for me .. and there was. Maybe there'll be something that can help this other way too.

Anyway the morphine in it's various guises, the mycophenolate and prednisolone are sorted. Massaged my back, though that had to wait until I'd got the first lot of pain relief done this morning because of the pain. It takes about quarter of an hour for the effects to be noticeable and I was aware of them this morning though there still was quite a bit of pain there. I had a very painful spine this morning, very sharp pain, fortunately the morphine seems to be effective on my spine. Dunno why, but it seems to work better on the pain there than in other places. Is this something to do with the dual nerve pathways or something? I haven't the slightest idea .. just know that it is more effective on spinal pain than other pain. That's the mixture of MST, oramorph and paracetamol.

The mycophenolate in the morning just makes me very, very sleepy. First of all the pain relief makes me drowsy, then that just adds to it for an hour or so but it doesn't really matter as that hour is the hour inbetween taking the pills and when I can have breakfast. Then I have the steroids and food and wake up a bit more.

I'd like to find out to see if there is anything that can be done to help move my muscles on more though. And think more about the pain. It was only 15/20 mins before the pain relief kicked in to help my spine some this morning but I was wondering about pain patches because this morning was rather painful (understatement!!) but perhaps they aren't suitable for me because of the other illness. Guess it'd all take some juggling. Or, maybe I should just wake myself up at night for extra oramorph and keep the pain relief plateau going if I can .. maybe that'd help with the other pain as well as the spinal pain.