Thursday, August 09, 2007


And as someone said ... this too shall pass.

Well, it's pretty amazing that I've got this far I guess. It's very different being on this side of an illness like this than looking on .. even with helping them. Such is life and such is experience.

I haven't read the news today but just glanced at the headlines .. how people are setting themselves up for early illnesses by today's lifestyles .. well, you takes yer pick, eh? But I guess you can do a lot to avoid them. Not all illnesses are unavoidable.

Something about parental responsibility.

I guess, to a certain extent you grow the society you're going to live in. Not everything .. but to a certain extent.

I also guess I've done my bit in life really. Could've done more but it's been ko'd by being ill. And I'm getting old.

Gang stuff again. Well, as I said the US experts were advising the UK on that a long time ago .. and ignored.

Anyway, I'm off to bed early .. complete with clock .. to get some rest.

It's not going to be easy tomorrow .. but, as my friends keep on saying, tomorrow is another day.

And, you're right. I've not been very communicative over the last few days I know ... but I've been so tired.