Monday, August 06, 2007

Flip flop, fly and flying neutrinos

I guess a lot of my interest in the climate and environment stemmed from being a "child of the 60s" who had an interest in science. And also an interest in politics.

Don't think I was particularly academic, just had lots of interests that were part of the times and've stayed with me. The climate and environment came from a sort of vegan/veggie/hippie interest in life. Went the meditation and brown rice instead of the real ale or dope path.

Enjoyed the music and backtracked like lots of people did into folk and the blues. Enjoyed dance, though not western traditions that much, but that was just a personal choice. I prefered eastern dance. Liked country music too, going right back to the Carter Family and the Appalachian mountain music and Woody Guthrie. Liked soul and ska and blue beat. Liked Ravi Shankar and also the swirling music to belly dance to.

Liked most things really cept couldn't get into western classical music or opera. I know that covers a huge range of music but in general that's how it is.

I don't know if you had to be part of the times to know how they were. They were very varied that's for sure. And there was a lot out there to catch your interest. I guess back when I was in my teens we used to talk about all kinds of things and that's what really started off a lot of the interests. Not the unhappy home or anything like that. It was possibly having been to interesting schools and having people who used to talk about a lot to mix with. Spending nights listening to music, remembering the interesting lights too in all different colours we used to have creating dreamy atmospheres, discussing all kinds of things. Heading off to dances sometimes.

Guess it was a time, like all times, of what you made out of it. There were bad times too. It wasn't just a dreamy time but there were a lot of opportunities to investigate and be part of lots of things that were happening. Following George Harrison's journeys into meditation and also being part of the politics of the day. But, as I said, it was a very varied time. Liked the craft work that was around then too.

But there was also the Vietnam war feeding into all this. You could never forget as you listened to the music and the news came in. It was very emotive and a lot of it has stayed in my mind. I don't know if this is why the times stay in my mind so much or if it was because I was a teenager then. I remember the 70s and 80s well too through the music and company but somehow it's the 60s that stay there influencing a lot of the years to come .. though the veggie times and yoga etc started in the early 1970s they were certainly influenced by my life in the 60s.

Then there were the political movements .. the culture of equality politics.

My knowledge of wild flowers comes from going on nature trails as a young child at school which kinda fed into the hippy thing later on too I guess.

The years go quickly though, don't they, as you look back. How could they go so quickly? Drifting on through what becomes history and changes the way of life.

The big changes in society in my lifetime? I really couldn't put them in order of importance. It may be better to ask someone younger who's looking back over the past imagining a time without them rather than someone who has lived through the changes here.

Feminism ..... and all the equality politics ...... the rise and change in STDs ....... the knowledge of climate change ........ the change in world economic development ......... different technologies: e.g. the computer and its development.

Latest interest: possibly a return to looking at physics. Though in the case of the neutrino it's a bit difficult to know what to put up. What? How? Even how many, huh?!!! lol. Maybe? Whatever!!!!

Kind of pulls the interest and imagination in.