Friday, August 03, 2007

Walked it

Well, I did it!!! Difficult to imagine that I find it hard to walk down to the end of town!!! I know. But, I got there and back. Rather uncomfortable but bearable.

Came back with a couple of veggie hotpots and two small packs of larger daal to have a look at. Favourite food really I guess. Tesco used to do a lovely daal with plenty of turmeric in it .. well, judging by the colour .. now I'll soon be practicing making my own. Guess, once you get used to making them you can just add the spices until you get the flavours you want.

Got some odds and ends from the health shop too so now I can have soya pepperoni slices,tomato and onion sandwiches. It's not so hard being a vegan these days!!!! I like those soya slices. And it'll be good when I'm making the daal and the lentil curries. I think green lentils are my favourite pulses .. I'm told that you can make very nice cottage pie type things with them too .. Well, one thing at a time!!!!

Just taking the last but one lot of the day's pain relief. The paracetamol, oramorph and MST .. plus the steroid sparing drugs .. three mauve ones of those. So, I can have dinner around half seven. Waiting for them too take effect. Without the pain relief it'd be pretty bad but at the moment it's keeping it in check to quite an extent though it's still not easy. But the breakthrough pain was verging on the unbearable at times before so this is good.

Tonight's dinner is um ... veggie hotpot again.