Monday, July 30, 2007

Alternate nostril breathing then?!!!

Went down town for more groceries but this time I knew half way down there that I was too tired to be walking that far. Though I did it and carried my tinned veg and veggie meals back with me. Walking back was easier than walking down for some reason. You'd've thought it would be the other way round because of the shopping. But I stopped and rested twice going down, not at all on the way back. Not that easy but I managed it.


Someone suggested doing the alternate nostril breathing exercises while I'm going through this part of the illness and I think I will. Adds another five minutes of exercising time on to the rest!!! Nothing too strenuous though.

Snort!!! or rather count to ten.

It's good having people you can swap ideas with. When mum was very ill it was someone saying something and then me going to research it that saved her a lot of trouble and pain. One of the reasons I feel so grateful to the home. It was a minor connection between whatb they said and what I eventually discovered but their thoughtfulness started me on a journey to finding out a lot more which helped her. I've put far less into helping myself but I that's because I've been feeling so tired and ill .. but other people've been there with suggestions and info to help along the way.

Bit late but I'm just going to put me dinner on. Back again with about half an hour to wait. A ready meal tonight.

I still go over to read my thought of the day. It's a random generated thing and just makes me think .. I got two of the look after urself more over the last couple of days. Well, I'm doing me best. I'm eating well. I have a little exercise every day. We've talked about this and with the muscles problems, if I can manage it, it seems like a good idea.