Saturday, August 04, 2007


I am tired right now. I mean, really tired. Just want to go to sleep .. which is good. I feel really restful too. Been doing some minor meditation. Well, as I feel so sleepy it's a good way to use up a little of the time.

And, a kind of peacefulness is the result. Still feeling the tiredness but it's changed from just being a feeling of exhaustion to a more restful feeling. Kind of dreamy.

Just gone and put the dinner on. Bit late but I'll be going to sleep straight after. No staying up too late any more.

Just about to take me meds. Got them all in for a while.

I've become a bit dreamy in the early mornings lately which is kinda interesting cause I don't usually day dream or remember my sleeping dreams. Generally my new early morning dreaminess has been quite pleasant. I've always said that I'm glad I don't remember my dreams cause quite a few people I know have quite unpleasant ones but this kind of half awake/half asleep thinking/dreaming has been quite nice. Just a couple I've shook myself out of.

It's while I'm waiting for the tiredness to wear off after I've taken my early morning pills. I just kind of slip back into a kind of hypnagogic state. Well, occasionally. I just get to feel very tired and then slowly feel more awake again. But, sometimes, not that often, I have kind of day dreams.