Thursday, August 09, 2007


Well, have been shifting some of my papers and things out the flat today. Managed to shift a few of me muscles too though they're ok .. though maybe in a bit of a shock. It was the same side that I was having trouble with this morning and they've loosened up a bit.

Even with the pain relief ... ouch!!!

Then I can have me carpets cleaned. I can bend without it being very painful at times now and I don't shake and drop stuff anymore. Well, I do occasionally drop stuff but I guess no more than anyone else.

The muscle moving was painful though today .. but it was just a bit more flexibility coming back. Guess I got to be careful though. People are right .. I do feel better for going out for a while. I think the walking loosens things up a bit. When I first get back in it doesn't always feel that good as I'm a bit breathless but I think in the long run it does a lot of good. Difficult at times though.

Suppose I better have the TENS machine on now and have it ready for tomorrow too. That was quite some change earlier on. I really don't know if the machine does help or not because I can't really contrast it in with the effect the pain relief is having but I do know that I can't feel the programmes from the machine after a while as much as I can from when I first switch it on but whether that's some kind of desensitisation I don't know.

Dinner is salad and an egg sarnie and some fruit.

Go and get pills and food sorted out I guess and early to sleep I hope.