Saturday, August 11, 2007

Can't think of a title!!!!

Well, the left rib cage has been uncomfortable to say the least today. It's been moving as the muscles change a bit .. and the pain has been bad through all the pain relief. Opened my chemist's bag and saw that I was a 100ml short of oramorph and blanched .. but the IOU note was in the bag too. He wasn't sure if he had enough and perhaps didn't .. or perhaps did but needed to keep a small bottle behind incase someone else came in for some though it was very late in the day.

I have worn a heat pad around the ribcage for part of the day and I think it's helped some. I hope that'll go through til tomorrow as I had a few muscle spasms earlier on and preventing more of those should help some.

Eaten more protein today. Me appetite had gone a bit and I'd been more interested in fruit than anything else. Tiredness and maybe a bit of a cold. Heading back more to soya land with me soya milk and tin of soya protein drink. And'll eat a bit more before bed as people are saying just to eat small meals but more often at the moment cause I'll probably digest things better that way.

I will, but it's difficult with fitting everything in around the pills too!!!!