Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Was driven out to get the shopping today as usual. She's strong .. she managed to carry some of my medication which is quite heavy too. Guess I'd've lugged it all once too but it just isn't possible right now .. to say the least.

Me .. well, I carried two bags of rubbish downstairs .. but they were just bags of wrappings and weren't heavy .. though they were followed by a heavier bag. I wasn't too puffed out after the second one went down though my breathing wasn't too good coming back up the second time. First time I was more or less ok. A few weeks ago I wouldn't've been.

I did carry some of the shopping from the car. I usually take a little the heavier stuff to take some of the load off her as well as the light but bulkier things It's not very far to walk from the car to the flat and I'm ok.

Had a nice time out too. Lot of chatting about a lot of things.

Quick call back to London when I got in which reminds me I should give the hospital a bell this afternoon.

I bought some lovely lettercards in the hospital yesterday .. think a shop had closed down and donated their left over stock to the hospital .. they were 50p for a box of twelve. I bought some with Walt Whitman on them and some with pictures of musical instruments. Could use them to write to someone on or use as birthday cards. I think they're lovely.

I still haven't done anything for the chapel .. it's down to tiredness. They offered to get a magazine in for me while I was there which was nice of them. I said no cause I don't read it myself even though that would've been no problem picking a copy up in London. Maybe I should've said yes though as it would've been there for other people so that they would've felt welcome. Maybe I should donate a book!!!!!!!!!

I'm still not listening to much music. I can hear it. My hearing's much worse when I'm walking than if I'm still. I think a lot of people, especially if they've tinitus experience the same. I just don't think about it much at the moment .. guess that's probably down to being so sleepy at times.