Sunday, February 10, 2008

Going back

Did my exercises yesterday. I'd only done the Qiqong one a couple of times. I was very tired and had thought of walking as a good enough exercise.

It's funny in a way walking around town.. I know of people through other people but haven't much idea of what some of them look like. Well, not enough to be sure if some of the people are who I think they might be. I'm pretty sure I was in a queue yesterday with someone I "know" through being told about them.

There're people here that I've known like this since the 1970's.

I remember the Corn Mother and an Indian shop in the same street that sold lovely ear rings.

I've said that I'll help/join in with something here which means I'm going to learn something new. Though I doubt if I'll be doing much til I've gone except learning. It could be fun and'll certainly be a good thing. I was going to before but me health got in the way.

Pity that you can't just spread your wings and fly though I suppose that would be no use to me either or that I can't just wake up tomorrow and find that my body is a whole lot better and I could just go (back the usual way). Think my astral travel book is on the bookcase next to me bed there. Not that it'd be any good getting me down to Marylebone Station .. but even if it was it's at the wrong end!!!